
This shall too pass away...

What do you do when your world, which was perfect a while ago comes down crashing like a pack of cards? You start getting a feeling,' This is the end of me. I can't go any further. I have given up.' You get up from sleep with a start, when you see a dark tunnel with no light at the end of it. Life is so fickle. It tricks you, when you have least expected it.
Let me tell you a story.
Once a Monarch called upon his wisemen and asked them, 'Is there any Mantra or suggestion, which works in joy and sorrow, in defeat and victory alike? All the wisemen were confused, except for an old man who gave the Monarch a piece of folded paper with a condition that it must be opened only in the time extreme danger i.e. when the King feels he has ran out of solutions. The Monarch puts the paper under his daimond ring. Days pass and the neigbouring Kingdom attacks and the King loses and runs for his life all alone. Suddenly he finds himself at the end of the road. With a deep valley ahead and the sound of the horses approaching, he was sure that his end had dawned. The Monarch becomes restless. Then he remembers the folded paper given to him by the old man. He opens it and reads. The paper bears,'THIS DAY SHALL TOO PASS AWAY.' He reads it again and again. He realises that a few days ago he enjoyed all the pleasures of the world. And today he has nothing with him. Just like the days of luxuries the day of danger will pass away too. A calm comes to his face. After a few minutes, the noise of the horses receeds. He realises they have moved into some other part. The brave Monarch reorganises his army, fights back and reconquers his Kingdom.
The King did not give up. He conquered the darkest period of his life because he believed in himself. Had he jumped off the cliff he would have never got his Kingdom back. So my friend when faced with such a situation, the key lies in picking up the broken pieces and starting afresh with whatever little you have got. You are just a witness of change. Experience it, understand it and enjoy the present moment- as this shall too pass away. Ensure that every change whether good or bad leaves you stronger.
Whatever may be the obstacles in your life, however big, medium, small they may be, they will pass one day and you will come out more confident, mature and shinning.


ninad said...

and as they say, dukkhachya divasanantar aalele sukh jast enjoyable asta

ranji said...

inspiring story that..i have seen very few people who can keep their head above the water in trying situations. everyone seems to crib and run away instead.
with all its ups and downs, life is a journey of learning.

Dhandal said...

very encouraging in times of this rat race and killing competitive world...

Rohan said...

hey... u write well ... inspiring!

Sameer Deshmukh said...

nice one :)

Sameer Deshmukh said...

Nice One :) Well Quoted .

Unknown said...

good one:-)

Unknown said...

good one:-)