
Of Proverbs....

Strike the iron when hot
Early bird catching the worm? 
If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
A stitch in time saves nine
We have all heard our parents, grandparents, teachers, philosophers and poets beat these proverbs in our system while we are young. And we all feel oh yeah the world is a beautiful place where everything is just and fair and all we have to do is be ourselves. And then it happens! A rude shock! Reason: Not everybody takes the parents, grandparents, teachers and alike seriously. I am not saying we should not. We should and we must. But sometimes we need to see for ourselves. We need to make our own mistakes.We need to learn our own lessons and till the point we dont, we would keep on thinking all is hunky dory. Because, 'Experience is Education.' See I came up with a new proverb which I would tell my grandchildren :P It does not matter how much you plan because you dont know how your day is going to turn out. So plan, but if it does not work out somehow, smile and say, 'Experience'



Change is the only thing thats supposed to be constant, right? Then why do we find ourselves saying, 'somethings will never change'? If things were to change there won't be a routine. But what we don't realise our bodies, our minds rather are so adapted that any minor change gets easily adapted in our routine lived, that we seldom realise it. That is subconscious acceptance. But there are things that we really want to change about ourselves and we keep striving ( re: fighting with ourselves) to do so. Like losing that extra kilo, a new job, exceptional grades, etc. We so want to change our lives, don't we? But what happens when u realise, that chase to change wasn't worth it after all? It's not called giving up. It's called making peace with the situation. Its called ACCEPTANCE. I am not saying don't give it a fight. Give it your best shot. But when you cant just accept it. I kept on saying that Pune gives me grief. But if I wasn't trying to accept that city, how on earth would I feel at home there? The point was that I needed to accept the city as my second home, if not first. Thats when things started working out. And as some wise man/woman has said,'when u cant fight it, just accept it'; it won't ease out things, but it will definitely take the pressure off. Please do it with a smile :) Make people wonder where all that calmness and courage came from!

PS: City hopping does not stop, it is the main incentive of my 'Pune acceptance theory'.