
Mere dozen bhar usool!!!

I m being told to shed my inhibitions and conceptions... Inhibitions yes... they have been done away wid long back... Conceptions as in mere so called dozen bhar usool... nah!!! It makes me what I m today... If I change my whole conception of myself will change and along with that many things. Conceptions are not bad as long as they are not preceptions. And there is something that I owe to my so called usools and that is my life. They keep me going no matter how difficult the circumstances are. They make me feel safe. In their presence I feel I m not going to falter or go wrong. They equip me to think practically.
Hell!!! Not that I really need to explain all this... Whatever!!! People love me the way I am.


Pandemonic Scribbles said...

hey bajapeti...
cud ya explain me more bout perceptionz inhibitionz n conceptionz??
n wot r ur usools? they'll help me review n rectify mine too...

Sharvari said...

arre dont bother... just a random thot... had to scribble something to vent out

Abha said...

i dont understand usools...but there are clearly things one cant do against wishes..n even if circumstances force u do it...you sometimes feel like going against da whole damn world!!..like your randomness..keeps reader guessing!!